Roscoe’s Featured Friend of the Month: Millie

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It’s officially March and spring is in the air. If you’re itching for some warmer weather vibes, we have the perfect pup for you! Meet Millie, our newest and most outgoing Featured Friend of the month! Millie is a two year old Belgian Malinois/Dutch Shepherd mix who is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Millie has been a part of the Roscoe’s family since March of 2021 (happy one year anniversary, Millie!) and she’s blossomed into such a fun, lovable, and outgoing girl. Plus, she has one heck of a social life!

Millie posing on a hike!

Millie’s story begins, believe it or not, all the way down in Texas where she was up for adoption at a large shelter. Her parents saw her adorable picture online and immediately fell in love. So it was goodbye to the lone star state and hello to beautiful New England! On the first night after being adopted, Millie was apprehensive to get out of the car and still very nervous around her new parents. Her mom recalls how Millie didn’t understand how to climb stairs and definitely needed some confidence building. Fast forward to only a week, however, and Millie was attached to her parents like glue! They hired some very wonderful trainers, worked with Millie on her shyness and obedience, and are now confident in saying that Millie is living her best life in Maine! Sometimes, all it takes is a little love and encouragement from family and friends.

Millie at the lake!

Nowadays, Millie is living her life with a full schedule and is always looking for the next best activity to do. Her parents think that her best quality is definitely her intelligence, which makes keeping her mind and body busy a full time job. Good thing Millie loves the great outdoors! Indeed, some of Millie’s favorite activities are heading out into the backwoods of Maine for a hike with her parents, going paddle-boarding with her granny out on the lake, sunbathing on the warm, rocky beaches, and getting together for playdates with her best friend George the cat.  Even on rainy or cold days, Millie is still out adventuring by walking around and shopping with her mom at Lowes, or heading to Aroma Joe’s with her dad to coax the employees there into giving her a tasty treat at both drive-through windows. Yes, wherever she goes, Millie makes life an adventure and touches the hearts of everyone she meets. See, didn’t we tell you she has an active social life?!

Millie playing with her friends at Roscoe’s!

Even with a packed schedule and busy social life, though, Millie still manages to make time for her friends here at Roscoe’s. Just like with her parents, Millie was shy upon first meeting us and would often be weary of new people or dogs. Once she built up her confidence, however, Millie truly blossomed and it wasn’t long before she would come bursting through our doors ready to start her day! Now, she can often be found in the more high energy groups romping around with her friends and wrestling the day away. She has even become somewhat of a flirt, and rumor has it she has several boyfriends who she likes to hang around with (we won’t tell if you won’t!) She’s also smart as a whip and will sit so perfectly for cookies. She even knows her commands in German! Once she warms up to you, Millie will be your friend for life and we love to see her snuggling with friends, both human and canine, and teaching the younger pups how to play. She’s everyone’s big sister! We feel so grateful that Millie has let us into her life, and now we couldn’t image ours without her! We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you, Millie!


“Millie is a one of a kind pup who is bursting with love. Watching her come out of her shell has been an absolute joy from the moment I met her. Millie is always ready to give love to her human and puppy friends and never fails to put a smile on the faces of everyone she comes across!” -Desiree, Playgroup Supervisor

“Millie has captured the hearts of everyone at Roscoe’s. Once she warms up to you it feels like the biggest accomplishment ever! I remember the first time she walked up to me on her own, it was truly the best feeling. Seeing how much she has come out of her shell is amazing and she has blossomed into this wonderful, snuggly, goofy dog!” -Myah, Playgroup Supervisor

“It’s been such a joy to see Millie truly blossom here at Roscoe’s. She started out pretty shy, but now her personality shines. She wrestles with the best of them, snuggles up with her friends on the cots, and she’s even become a bit of a flirt! Millie’s definitely a pup that brings a smile to my face every time she comes. I’m honored to have earned her trust and affection, and I’m excited to see her continue to flourish.” -Kelli, Playgroup Supervisor