Roscoe’s Featured Friend of the Month: Tito

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It seems like spring is flying by and summer is coming on quickly, which is why our newest Featured Friend for May is so appropriate… he’s a greyhound! Handsome Tito is one year old and has been a part of the Roscoe’s family since June of 2022. It’s almost his one year anniversary! He started his journey here as part of our Puppy Program and has grown and learned with us since the beginning. We’re so proud of how far he’s come and the dog he’s grown into! Not only is he silly, carefree, and fun, but he’s also a perfect gentleman with good manners and a kind heart. What more could we ask for?!

Tito in one of his many silly sleeping positions

Tito and his family first met all the way in the state of Wyoming when Tito was still a tiny puppy. His parents drove from Maine across the country to pick him up, and his journey home was quite the adventure! Despite driving over the course of three days, Tito did amazingly in the car and had his first ever road trip with his parents. What a way to bond with your new family and see most of America first hand! Eventually, Tito and his parents made it home to Maine and the once western pup was now a full blown New Englander. According to his parents, Tito settled into his new daily routine very quickly and has never looked back. It’s like he had lived there all along. It seems like he was meant to be a Mainer and that he and his family were a match made in heaven!

And speaking of Maine, perhaps Tito’s favorite thing about being in the pine tree state is all the fluffy white stuff! His dad recounts that when the snow begins to fall, Tito thinks it’s playtime and he dashes and bounces and rolls in it. Of course, rain is a totally different story as Tito is not a big fan of getting wet. We suppose we can’t blame him for that! When there’s no snow to be had, however, Tito likes to spend his time playing tug-of-war, napping, shredding various pieces of paper, watching TV, and playing with his doggo friends around the neighborhood. Indeed, one of his parent’s favorite memories of him was the very first time he got the zoomies while playing with another dog. He started spinning in circles and dashed around his friend to try to get them to play. His dad was amazed at how fast he could run! At the end of the day, however, Tito likes to munch on his favorite treat of freeze-dried liver and peas, and then fall asleep in the silliest of positions. This usually means on his back with his feet straight in the air! It sounds like the perfect life to us.

Tito in the snow!

We love having Tito here at Roscoe’s and are so happy that he came to us a puppy to start his education in our Puppy Program. We’ve watched him grow into a young gentleman who loves life and makes friends wherever he goes. Whether it’s right when he comes through the door, when he enters playgroup, or when he’s getting picked up to go home, Tito’s tail is always wagging and he always has the biggest smile on his face. He’s a true goofy guy at heart who doesn’t have a mean bone in his body and loves to romp around outside with the other dogs. As part of our VIP Program, Tito also loves the special attention he gets from his human friends and is always willing to sit or give his paw for a tasty cookie and some back scratches. He’s a real hambone who loves to play it up for the camera and have a good time. We couldn’t ask for a better pup to play with all day! We look forward to watching Tito continue to grow and see what life has in store for him. Keep staying your silly, carefree, and lovable self, Tito!


Tito hamming it up at daycare!

“One of the greatest things of being part of Roscoe’s Puppy Program is watching all the babies  grow up. All the puppies are special, but some are so unique they stand out. Tito is definitely a stand out as he has been one of the greatest to watch grow! Sometimes it’s hard to believe he was even small once. Even if he is a large noodle now, something that never changed is how happy he always is. I don’t think there’s a moment when Tito isn’t wagging his tail or trying to say hello to everyone and everything he passes. He is such a fun-loving and zoomie boy that it’s hard to not adore him! I think all of us at Roscoe’s are looking forward to watching him grow up even more. It really has been a joy having Tito as a part of our Roscoe’s pack and watching him grow up into the wonderful boy he is!” -Victoria, Manager & Puppy Program Supervisor

“At just over a year old now, Tito is the most goofy, large and lovable pup! He is always up for a hug and a good time! His demeanor allows him to befriend any dog he meets, and our human team loves him just the same. I am so glad that I’ve gotten to spend time with Tito and watch him grow since he was a small puppy in our Puppy Program. He has grown and learned so much over the past few months we’ve spent with him, and I can’t wait to see how he continues to grow and develop further! Tito brings a smile to my face every time I see him, and I’m glad that I have the opportunity to spend time with him!” -Lisa, Manager & Puppy Program Supervisor

“It’s been a joy and a pleasure watching Tito grow up before our very eyes! His goofy, silly grin is always sure to put a smile on my face. Tito is wonderful to have in our VIP program as well, making fast friends with whoever he’s paired with!” -Elizabeth, Shift Supervisor