How to Keep the Puppy Love Going

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Valentine’s Day is over, but that doesn’t mean that the celebration of love has to end, too! There are many easy, fun, and impactful ways you and your dog can help keep the puppy love going all year long and make a real difference for the people and pets in your community. If you want to continue to show people that you care, try some of these ideas and let love grow!

Share Some Tasty Treats
One simple way to show someone you care is to bake them some homemade goodies. To help keep the puppy love going this month, consider making some tasty, handmade dog treats and bagging them up as gifts. You and your pup can walk to neighbor’s or friend’s houses who have dogs and hand out the goodies to share. You can also donate your treats to local shelters or rescues who could share them with their resident animals. A small gesture can go a long way and, in this case, it’s easy and fun to show someone you care! Plus, who doesn’t like cookies?!

Keep Your Community Clean
Being a good samaritan and helping your community is always a sure way to show people that you care. The best part? You and your pup can do it together! Take your dog for a walk around the beach, park, or even your own neighborhood and clean up trash along the way. Bring a bag, gloves, and garbage grabber tool to help and see if you can gather friends and family members to participate as well. You don’t have to wander far or spend hours collecting trash to make a difference, any amount of volunteer work helps. Plus, you and your dog get some exercise in as well!

Help Your Neighbors Out
Have some neighbors or friends with pets who could use a helping hand? Spread the love by offering your help in caring for their furry family members! Consider walking their dog for them when you get home for work, heading over to feed their pup dinner when they’re running late, or offering to watch their pet if they’re gone overnight. The saying goes that it takes a village to raise a child, and that’s true for pets, too! If you have neighbors who are elderly, differently abled, or simply need a helping hand, spread the love by offering your time to help care for their animal companions!

Be an Animal Advocate
Helping animals is easier than you think and definitely an ideal way to help keep the puppy love going all year long. Consider volunteering at your local animal shelter or rescue organization walking dogs, cleaning kennels, doing laundry, or running errands. You can also become a foster volunteer and offer your home and time to an animal who isn’t thriving in the shelter. If you have a dog of your own, they can help to make your new foster feel comfortable and show them the ropes of what it mean to be a family pet. Being an advocate for local animals is nothing but rewarding!

Start a Fundraiser
One of the simplest ways you can show people you care and help keep puppy love alive is to start a fundraiser for any animal cause. Whether it’s for your local shelter, animal rescue, wildlife rehabilitation center, or an individual, you can easily make a difference by raising awareness and starting a simple fundraiser online. Most social media outlets have a way of creating a fundraiser which can easily be shared with friends and family. Or, if you’re more old fashioned, you can always ask for donations by knocking on doors or sitting outside public buildings to talk about your cause. Either way, you know you’re making a difference and helping to keep the puppy love alive!

There are so many ways you and your dog can help share the love all year long, and we hope you found some of these helpful! Whether you want to volunteer, help clean up your community, or walk some dogs for your neighbors, every act of kindness helps keep puppy love alive and show people and their pets that you care. We hope you had a wonderful and lovely Valentine’s Day!