Roscoe’s Featured Friend of the Month: Billie

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Happy May! Spring is now in full swing here in Maine and that means running through fields of  pretty flowers, warmer weather for bike rides and hikes, and long, lazy nights full of stargazing. Coincidentally, our newest and cutest featured friend of the month loves doing all of those things and more! Meet Billie Stardust; the five year old Siberian Husky mix who has been apart of the Roscoe’s family since October of 2016. Billie is sassy but sweet, confident but curious, and a one-of-a-kind shining star. It’s no wonder she’s been deemed the surname Stardust… she truly sparkles!

Billie getting comfy at home!

Billie’s story begins, shockingly enough, on a busy two-lane highway in Tennessee. She was found as a puppy trying to cross it by one of her mom’s close friends and when he pulled over to try to help, Billie jumped right into his car! She had just nearly escaped death as a large semi-truck went barreling by right as the rescue happened. We can only guess that Billie was destined to survive that day so she could go on to change people’s lives for the better, starting with her mom’s! After a couple days of trying to locate a family and seeing if she was listed as missing, Billie’s rescuer and her then soon-to-be mom decided to ask a local rescue to put her up for adoption. However, it was soon clear to Billie’s mom that she was a special girl and giving her up wasn’t an option. Billie and her mom officially became family two days later and the rest, as they say, is history!

Fast forward to August of 2016 and Billie and her mom decided to leave Tennessee to move to the rocky shores of Maine. At first, Billie needed to explore and research every little thing that crossed her path. The Maine landscape, wildlife, and weather was so different than that of the dry heat of Tennessee that Billie’s mom noticed Billie being extra protective and on edge. Soon, however, they both settled in quite nicely and Billie began exploring all the wonders that her new home had to offer. Running through flower fields is one of her favorite activities and she’s even gotten into the habit of picking flowers with her mouth and throwing them into the air to catch. It’s quite a sight to see! Billie is also a huge fan of the snow and cold and loves romping through the white stuff and taking naps in frozen snow piles. It must be the husky in her! Perhaps her favorite activity, however, is stargazing. On clear, warm nights, Billie and her mom love to lay out on the lawn and look up to the heavens to count the stars. Billie will lay for hours just content to snuggle with her mom and make wishes on all the shooting stars. We knew her surname had to come from somewhere!

Billie loves the beach!

Of course, with the move to Maine and her mom’s new job came the need for a doggy daycare. Billie found us in October of 2016 and we couldn’t have been happier to welcome her into the family! With her one, folded ear, two different colored eyes and playful, happy demeanor, we fell in love with Billie Stardust from the beginning. Every day she brings her best self and is always so eager to play and learn with the other pups. Usually she can be found in the more low-energy groups napping on the cot beds or climbing the ramps to get a better a view, but she always has spunk and spirit. Outside, Billie is always the first to explore every nook and cranny of the yards or be a ham in front of the camera. She loves to get her picture taken! When it comes to cookies, Billie will do just about anything and is quick to learn a trick or give us her big, puppy-dog eyes. We couldn’t imagine our playgroups with her and we feel so lucky to haven gotten the opportunity to know Billie. Her sassy strut and can-do attitude always brightens up our day and leaves us wanting more. We hope you stay as true to yourself as you’ve always been Billie!

If you want an opportunity for your pup to play with the wonderful and sassy miss Stardust, feel free to reach out to us by phone or email to set up your dog’s first play date! We know how excited and eager Billie is to make new friends!


Billie’s classic, sassy look

“Billie is like a good book; you just want to cozy up and spend the whole day with her! She prances wherever she goes, whether it’s joining in on playtime or soliciting for treats and cuddles. She is a true superstar that needs no introduction!” -Katrina, Manager

“Billie is such a treasure! She’s fluffy, she’s confident, and she’s not afraid to give you a piece of her mind! She gives the best hugs, has a sly expression, and the funniest little barks and growls. When you ask her for her paw, she very enthusiastically flings both her paws into your hand! Double high five! When she’s in playgroup, it seems like she believes she’s in charge, and I just adore that about her. What more can I say? Billiam, Sillybillie, she is simply the best!” -Evan, Manager

“My sweet Billium!! After many years of working with dogs I can say I truly have never met another dog like Billie, she is the definition of unique! Everything about her is different and special, from her nose and whiskers, to her floppy ears and eyebrows, to her silly sounds… she is one of a kind! She is such a goofy goober who will always leave you smiling whether she’s being sassy or snuggly! She will always be one of my special ladies!” -Megan, Manager