Roscoe’s Featured Friend of the Month: Chamberlain

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It might have been raining more than we hoped this July, but that hasn’t stopped our Featured Friend from having fun and spreading smiles! Chamberlain, a one-and-a-half year old Golden Retriever, became a part of the Roscoe’s family back in January of last year and has wiggled his way into our hearts ever since. We have loved watching him grow from a tiny, fluffy puppy to a happy and handsome grown dog (even if he’s still quite the puppy at heart!). We know you’re going to love Chamberlain as much as we do!

Chamberlain as a puppy on his first day!

Like a lot of dogs at Roscoe’s, Chamberlain’s story begins with finding his family and making his way to his forever home. Chamberlain’s parents knew they wanted a loving and loyal retriever puppy, so they found a breeder and waited until their new pup was eight weeks old before bringing him home. According to his mom, Chamberlain “immediately settled into [their] home” and apart from typical puppy behavior, was the perfect addition to their family. No ‘ifs’, ‘ands’, or ‘buts’ about it! I guess that’s what you can call a match made in heaven!

Nowadays, as an almost two year old grown boy, Chamberlain still emits a lot of his puppy spirit and takes on any challenge with a smile on his face and a wag in his tail. His parent’s say their favorite thing about him is his pure joy in saying hello to both family and strangers alike. When they get home from work, for example, Chamberlain always grabs a toy, does a little “a-whoo” greeting, and then wiggles his whole body in excitement. He’s the perfect greeter at any party! Even when out for walks, Chamberlain never fails to greet every person and canine he meets like they’re a long lost friend he just happened to bump into. Of course, with all this attention comes attention-seeking, and Chamberlain often likes to steal things he shouldn’t like the TV remote or a cat toy so his humans will play the best game of all… keep away! We’ve all been there with our furry friends right?! Luckily, all it takes for Chamberlain to give up the goods is the promise of a tasty treat. Not just any treat, however, but his absolute favorite treat. Venture a guess as to what it is? If you said bananas, you’d be correct! That’s right, Chamberlain loves the sweet, peelable fruit and his always happy to drop whatever he’s doing for a bite. Perhaps because it’s golden yellow like him!

Chamberlain on the beach when out for a walk!

Because Chamberlain is such a friendly and outgoing guy, it’s no wonder that he fits right in here at Roscoe’s! Chamberlain is part of our VIP program and enjoys time spent with both his canine pals as well as one-on-one time with his favorite humans. He can often be found chasing his own tail (which he sometime’s can catch!), romping around outside on the ramps, and chatting it up with his playful pals around the water bowl. Chamberlain makes friends easily and is always happy to be where the action is. It doesn’t seem like he’s ever had a bad day… even in the rain and cold! His parents also thoroughly enjoy seeing all the pictures from his report card at the end of every day, and it always amazes them at how many new dogs they see playing with Chamberlain. What can we say? He’s a popular and pawtastic pup! We feel lucky every day that we know Chamberlain and have been able to watch him grow up. We hope you always stay true to you handsome boy!


“From his endless tail chases to his puppy dog eyes looking up at you playing ball, Chamberlain is such a sweet friend! His lighthearted playful spirit always manages to brighten my day!” -Anna, Playgroup Supervisor

“Chamberlain is a tall, energetic, happy, fluffy friend always happy to chase a ball and be the first one through any door when you walk him!” -Curtis, Playgroup Supervisor

“Chamberlain is always a joy to have in group for my VIP sessions. He has such good energy and plays so well with others. He makes friends very quickly and can always put a smile on your face and cheer you up. I look forward to having Chamberlain in my group soon!” -Brian, Playgroup Supervisor