Roscoe’s Featured Friend of the Month: Coaster

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Happy December, friends! The days are now frosty and cold, but there’s always one pup who warms our hearts and keeps us smiling: Coaster! This adorable little one-year old rescue has been a part of the Roscoe’s family since December of last year, and we couldn’t be more excited to share his story. Originally thought to be a Chihuahua mix, Coaster turned out to be a little bigger than his parents expected… and a lot spunkier as well!  To this day, he’s still full of surprises and ready to share them all with you!

Coaster being a little-big dog!

Coaster’s story begins, believe it or not, in a shelter all the way down in Texas. Coaster and his puppy siblings were surrendered there while still very young after becoming sick from a virus. The shelter staff was originally unsure if he would make it, but Coaster pulled off his first amazing surprise by astounding everyone with his will to live. To the relief of all his caretakers and, in hindsight, his now-parents, Coaster pulled through and made a full recovery. He just knew that he had a wonderful life to live! Fast-forward a couple months and Coaster was on his way to New England to be put up for adoption through a small dog rescue based here in Maine. His parents, who were looking for a new puppy to bring home during the heat of the pandemic, saw his picture online and knew instantly he was the one! They drove down to Rhode Island to pick him up and the first chapter of Coaster’s new life began. Who knew it would be such a wonderful and wild tale to tell!

Coaster’s parents admit that the first few months of raising a puppy was tough, and Coaster definitely gave them a run for their money. On top of that, Coaster’s parents assumed they were adopting a small dog and were originally told that their new pup was most likely a chihuahua. As it turns outs, Coaster performed his second amazing surprise and kept growing, growing, and growing! Eventually, his parents decided to get a DNA test done on their little-big dog and, as it turns out, Coaster is mainly a mix of Australian cattle dog, Labrador retriever, and Dutch shepherd. Chihuahua DNA was no where to be seen! Coaster certainly likes to keep his humans on their toes!

Coaster and his friends!

Now that he’s just over a year, Coaster has found his groove and is living his best life here in the pine tree state. In fact, he lives up to his name by being absolutely in love with the coast… he would spend all day at the beach if he could! When he’s not chasing waves, though, Coaster can be found chewing his Benebone, playing with his many stuffed animals, jumping on the bed (when he knows he’s not supposed to….), and harassing his kitty sibling. In fact, another one of Coaster’s many surprises is that he loves to steal catnip! What’s not surprising, however, is his love for people. One look at Coaster and your day will get instantly better. Indeed, it goes without saying that his absolute best trait is his wiggly body, happy demeanor, and Scooby-Doo like features. Coaster can always make you smile!

Luckily for us, Coaster also likes to spend his days here at Roscoe’s. His parents comment that his favorite thing about his visits are getting to see his human friends, and it definitely shows! We always look forward to Coaster coming in and while we don’t play favorites, Coaster seems to have a special affectionate for our front desk manager, Lisa. He gets extra excited when she greets him at the door! Of course, it’s not hard to win over a dog like Coaster because he’s always ready to play, learn new tricks, make new friends, and be a star student in the play yards. There’s never been a dog or human he didn’t like! We feel so privileged to get to spend our days with Coaster!


Coaster in the sun!

“Like his name suggests, Coaster is a super cool dude who always cruises into playgroup ready to be the life of the party! Whether it’s his silly antics, his exceptional recall, or those dark, piercing eyes that see straight into your soul, Coaster is one of those dogs that you really connect with. He’s super smart and sassy to his core, but he’s also the absolute squishiest sweetheart. There’s nothing like a wiggly Coaster hug to make your day!” -Miranda, Playgroup Supervisor

“My day is instantly brightened when I see Coaster is in for the day. He’s always so excited and ready for a day of playing with all of his friends. He’s always the first to offer up snuggles the moment I get into group. Some of my favorite days are the days I get to spend with him!!” -Abby, Playgroup Supervisor

“Coaster is one bouncy, wiggly pup who I’ve come to adore. He tries to befriend any dog he meets, and has the brightest personality with some very sweet human-like attributes! Every time we lock eyes, Coaster puts on a goofy smile and jumps up for snuggles. He even hugs you in a way that most pups wouldn’t by fully leaning his head into your neck! It’s one of the highlights of my day when I get that signature Coaster hug!” –Lisa, Manager