Roscoe’s Featured Friend of the Month: Diesel

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We can hardly believe it’s the end of this very unprecedented year, but we’re beyond excited to introduce you to our newest and goofiest Featured Friend of December! He’s one handsome hunk who’s big and brindle, but a total gentle giant at heart. Can you guess who? That’s right, it’s our friend Diesel the Pit Bull! Diesel has been a part of the Roscoe’s family since January of this year, and what better way to celebrate his anniversary than with his very own feature? We just know you’ll love him as much as we do!

Diesel is as gentle as bunny… and sometimes looks like one too!

Diesel and his family first met at the Animal Refuge League right here in Portland, where Diesel was happily starting the next chapter of his life. He had previously been rescued from a rather dire situation and was looking for a special someone to give him a second chance at life. Luckily for him, Diesel’s mom was looking for her new furry family member that day and as she recalls, it was love at first sight! After hearing the details of his backstory and seeing his handsome face looking back at her, Diesel’s mom just knew that she couldn’t leave without him! Since that day, Diesel has become the perfect addition to his family and the piece that they never knew was missing. As his mom always says, “he makes our house feel like home.” Excuse us while we get some tissues!

Deez or Bubba, as he’s lovingly referred to by his family, is now the perfect family man and quite the gentle giant. In his spare time, Diesel loves going for walks with his mom and playing tug-of-war with his many toys. He also won’t pass up a good marrow bone to chew and can spend hours on his bed just gnawing away to his heart’s content. However, at the end of the day, Diesel loves nothing more than to spend time with his family. He has formed a special bond with his youngest human sister and both inside and outside the house, they are inseparable. Everywhere she goes, he goes, and they can often be found playing together on the floor or snuggling together on the couch. After years of not having a family of his own, it seems that Diesel is beyond grateful to finally have one, and it shows with everything he does. Plus, who can resist those big, beautiful, brown eyes of his? Indeed, it seems that Diesel is the whole package!

Diesel and his little sister!

However, when he’s not spending time with his family, Diesel likes to head over to Roscoe’s for some special playtime with his friends. As part of our VIP program, Diesel likes to hang out with a small group of his BFFs as well as spend time with his humans pals for some one-on-one attention. Although he enjoys the company of all his friends and can often be found romping with them or playing king of the ramp, Diesel’s one and true best puppy pal is his friend Skiba! Whenever the two of them get together you know it’s going to be a good time. From wrestling to chasing to swimming and everything in-between, Diesel and Skiba are a match made in Heaven! Plus, they both love to spend time with the humans in group and can often be found working together to weasel more treats from the playgroup supervisor. Now that’s what we call a dynamic duo! We’re so happy to be able to provide Diesel with his perfect playmate and feel lucky that we get to spend time with him as part of our pack. Thanks for choosing us, too, Diesel!

If you want the chance for your pup to play with Diesel, feel free to reach out to us by phone or email to set up your dog’s first play date! We know Diesel always has room for one more in his circle of BFFs! ♡


Diesel and his BFF, Skiba!

There aren’t enough words to describe how special this boy truly is. Diesel has a permanent smile plastered to his face that radiates good vibes to anyone lucky enough to come within his proximity. The unusual noises he emits when he’s excited lets us know that we’re going to have a good day filled with high energy shenanigans. Diesel is one extraordinary pup and we love having him here at Roscoe’s!” -Lauren, Shift Supervisor

“Diesel, or “squeeze-el” as I like to call him, is the most wonderful chunky monkey ever! Everyone and everything is his best friend, and he is always ready to give the best hunky snuggles. Knowing his past, it’s amazing how much he has forgiven all, and now he has all the zest and joy in life, ready to make each moment to best ever. His positive outlook is something we all can learn from!” -Katrina, Manager

“Diesel is one hunk of a dog! He’s so handsome and energetic and I love that he gets to spend time here. When he and his best friend Skiba get together it’s truly something magical and adorable to watch. You can just tell that they’re souls are one in the same! Diesel is also such a people pleaser and will do anything for some treats or cuddles on the side. He truly is such a special boy!” -Chelsea, Digital Marketing Specialist