Roscoe’s Featured Friend of the Month: Hinckley

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Happy November, friends! It seems like time flies when you’re having fun and no one has more fun then our newest Featured Friend, Hinckley! At two-and-a-half years old and a mostly Pitbull mix pup, Hinckley is all spunk and he’s never met a person, dog, or pet he didn’t like (except maybe those pesky cats…). Hinckley has been a part of the Roscoe’s family since February of 2021, and started off as a cute, little learner in our Puppy Program. Since then, we have loved watching Hinckley grow up and become the amazing boy he is today. His life’s journey has truly been the rags to riches story and we can’t wait to share it all with you!

Hinckley walking the beach at sunset!

Hinckley’s story begins all the way in Puerto Rico where he was found as a tiny puppy in a junkyard. Parentless and hungry, Hinckley was thankfully rescued and flown over here to Portland, Maine where he was cared for and eventually put up for adoption through the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland. It was there that Hinckley’s life would change forever when he met his soon-to-be parents for the first time. With his warm chocolate eyes and adorable, floppy ears, Hinckley’s mom fell in love at first sight and took him home that day. According to her, Hinckley settled into his new life quite easily thanks to his Snuggle Puppy; a stuffed dog toy with a device inside that mimics a heartbeat. It seems as if Hinckley was always meant to be a snuggle bug and kept close to someone’s heart!

Now as an adult, Hinckley is still as playful and sweet as ever and truly loves his life here in Maine. Despite being born in Puerto Rico, Hinckley’s favorite activity is playing in the snow and simply laying down in snowbanks to nap and take in the scenery. In fact, this seems to be a common behavior as one of Hinckley’s mom’s favorite memories of him is when they went swimming around Mackworth Island. Hinckley dove into the water and his mom thought he was going to go for a swim, Instead, Hinckley laid down in the water with just his head poking out and observed everyone coming and going. It seems like no matter where he is, Hinckley is happiest with a view of the scenery!

Hinckley hamming it up for the camera!

Of course, Hinckley also enjoys playing and has a lot of energy and spunk when the mood strikes him. Perhaps his greatest trait is that he genuinely loves everyone and is always looking to play with other dogs. In fact, Hinckley’s mom states that there is a small statue of a dog on a stoop in their neighborhood and every time Hinckley walks past it on their daily walks, he will get wiggly and excited just like he would for a real dog. We have no doubt that if that statue were real, Hinckley would have a best friend indeed! It’s because of his genuine personality and playful nature that Hinckley fits right in to Roscoe’s. He loves getting to see both his human and canine friends and never misses an opportunity to play chase or romp around outside.

Hinckley started life as a stray puppy found in a junkyard and is now an accomplished pup with a loving family and active social life. In fact, Hinckley’s mom is proud to announce that he is currently training to become a certified Canine Good Citizen so he can go on to become a full fledged therapy dog! Once he passes his test, Hinckley will be able to help others by visiting hospitals and homes and visit with those who need him the most. Plus, he will get to receive all the pets and belly rubs he wants, with the occasional lap to nap on. It’s a win-win for everyone and Hinckley will get to use his power of being the perfect pup to help others feel happy. Now that’s what we call a good boy!

We love having Hinckley as part of our Roscoe’s family and we know that he has so much more to come. We can’t wait to see where his life’s journey takes him next!


“Hinckley! I love this special boy. He brings the party to Roscoe’s. He loves romping around and getting all of his friends to join in on his zoomie sessions, but he’s also down for a nap and cookie break. He truly is a gentleman and will kiss all of his friends upon entering group as a warm hello. Every time Hinckley is here I know it’s going to be a fun day. I look forward to many, many more fun days with him!”  -Addy, Manager

“Hinckley is a very energetic and handsome boy. He loves playing and with his friends at Roscoe’s, and we all love to watch him do it. He always gets the zoomies during outside time and it’s super fun to watch him run around. He will do anything for the treats and, of course, butt rubs. He is also very photogenic and takes the best pictures! He is bound to bring a smile to everyone’s face!”
-Brinn, Ops Coordinator

“Hinckley is definitely a one of a kind pup! He’s such a friendly dog and will play with just about any pup in his group! If he’s not playing, he’s usually walking around greeting his other fellow daycare pups with plenty of kisses. The Hinckley kisses are one of a kind!” -Lindsey, Ops Coordinator