Roscoe’s Featured Friend of the Month: Jack

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Welcome to April! The weather’s warming up, the birds are starting to sing, and all the pups of Roscoe’s are enjoying some extra sunshine outside. Of course, with a new month comes a new Featured Friend and so to kick off spring we’re introducing you to Jack! This handsome fella is a six-year-old German Shepherd / Catahoula Leopard Dog mix who became a part of a the Roscoe’s family all the way back in June of 2018. The first thing we noticed about Jack were his striking eyes (which happen to be two different colors!), then his long legs and tail (which make him look like a deer!), and finally his calm and collected demeanor (which make him seem like such a distinguished gentleman!) We know you’re going to love Jack as mush as we do!

Jack gets up close and personal with the camera.

Jack and his family first met in the tiny state of Rhode Island almost six years ago. It was New Year’s day and Jack’s parents were looking for a new canine companion to add to their family. Jack was found through Rhody Rescue and quickly captured his parent’s hearts with his striking eyes and calm but curious personality (starting to see a trend?!). That day, Jack went home with his new people and immediately settled in as if he had always lived there. It seems that Jack has always been a more mature kind of dog! It must run in the family because there was also little contention between Jack and his new feline brother upon his arrival home. They met each other with a shy kind of curiosity before quickly becoming loving companions. We guess some things are just meant to be!

Nowadays, Handsome Jack as he’s called (not to be confused with the video game villan!) spends his time on the more finer things in life like dining on delicacies of peanut butter and ice-cream and getting personal snuggle time on the couch while watching a movie. He also has such hobbies as carefully removing the stuffing from his favorite kevlar toys, playing and sunbathing with his feline brother Fitz, and lending an ear to his parents when they need to chat. In fact, one of the best things about Jack is that he’s a really good listener! Of course, for all the distinguished, relaxing, and mature ways that Jack likes to spend him time, his dad doesn’t want us to be fooled. According to him, Jack has a wild side! Indeed, when it comes to the great outdoors of Maine, Jack loves to explore and let his inner puppy out. He bounds through the snow, splashes through puddles, hikes up big rocks, and even goes diving into lakes and ponds. In fact, one of his parent’s favorite memories of him is when they took him down to the river for a swim and his life jacket came off in the water. Jack kept fetching the jacket for them only to bring it back so he could fetch it again. He really does have a silly side!

Jack cheesn’ hard for the camera!

Here at Roscoe’s, we get to see both sides of Jack’s shining personality! He definitely carries an air of sophistication and elegance to him as he gently prances into group and politely greets all of his friends. He also calmly waits for cookies and treats during snack time and enjoys a good afternoon nap around the water bowl when he’s tired. On the other hand, however, Jack likes to splash around in the pools during the summer and romp through the heavy snow in the winter. He can chase down all his friends with ease during tag and likes to climb to the top of the ramp to get the best sniffs. He’s regal and rambunctious, poised and playful, all wrapped up in one adorable package! Perhaps that’s why he has two different colored eyes— to showcase both striking sides of his personality! Whatever you want to call him, however, there’s no denying that Jack leaves an impression. At the end of the day, if we had to pick only one word to describe our canine friend, it would be ‘lovable’. He’s definitely a one-of-a-kind pup and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Keep on shining bright, Jack!


“When it comes to the sweet and quiet type, Jack is second to none. Although not always one for center stage, this polite and gentle boy couldn’t be missed even if he tried, with his striking eyes and charming expressions. He’s a loyal friend to not only his favorite dogs, but his people as well. You’ll find him politely waiting for his turn to get a treat or running, jumping, and wagging with his buddies. Sweet Jack is truly an iconic Roscoe’s Featured Friend!” -Erin, Playgroup Supervisor

“Jack is definitely one of the sweetest guys to greet me in group! His pretty eyes make it easy for me to spot him and say hello whenever he is here! My three words to describe Jack would be: calm, cool, and collected. He isn’t afraid to let his personality show, but he has a great time watching the yard, chilling on his climb. He is always a thrill to be with in group and I look forward to seeing his cute face peeking over the fence!” -Jade, Manager

“Oh Jack attack, he really is a silly and sweet boy. Whenever I come into group he’s always singing, and when it’s around the time to go home, we always bring out the bouncy balls and he absolutely loves the ball! I always love having Jack in my group!” -Kaia, Playgroup supervisor