Roscoe’s Featured Friend of the Month: Larry

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It’s been a while since our last Featured Friend here on the Roscoe’s blog, but we’re so happy to be back and sharing all of your pups’ amazing life stories again! To kick things off for summer, we’re honored and excited to introduce you to our good friend Larry who is the latest and greatest of our featured pals! Larry has been a part of the Roscoe’s family since October of 2017, and we couldn’t imagine our lives without this handsome fella. He’s our very own loyal, loving and light-hearted Lawrence!

Larry as a puppy in his new home!

Larry’s story begins half way across the country in the southern state of Louisiana. There, Larry and his puppy siblings were found abandoned on someone’s front lawn during a time of crisis. A tornado was sweeping through the state and it was imperative that animals found during that time be placed in shelters until they could find their forever homes. Luckily for Larry, he was picked up by a local rescue and driven all the way to Maine where he was taken in by 3 Dog Rescue out of Berwick. Now out of danger, well rested and groomed, it was finally time for Larry to start looking for his forever family! His dreams came true in July of 2017 when he met his mom and dad for the first time. Right from the beginning his mom remembers how they made an instant connection: “As soon as we brought him home he knew this was his forever home and family. He slept a lot, explored the yard and tried to trick us out of crate training him with his cuteness.” We believe it was definitely meant to be and the rest, as they say, was history!

Larry chasing snowballs!

Now as a well-established and rather charismatic adult, Larry, whose full and proper name is Sir Larry, likes to spend his time enjoying his idyllic life in Maine. From chasing snowballs in the winter, to snuggling with his parents in the late afternoons, to de-fluffing all his toys rather meticulously, there is never a bad day in sight for Larry. He even enjoys greeting all the neighbors down the street with some very hearty ‘hellos’, much to his parents dismay. Indeed, there is not an unfriendly bone in Larry’s body and he’s always so genuinely excited to be around the ones he loves… it’s probably the best thing about him! Whether you’re gone for five hours or five minutes, you can bet that Larry will jump all over you when you return and give his signature ‘ boop’ kiss on the cheek. His parents comment that he loves to be around them so much that he won’t get out of bed and start his day until they do. Now that’s what we call being a loyal friend!

Larry playing king-of-the-ramp with his friend Walter!

It’s because of this loyalty as well as his gentle but playful nature that makes Larry such a great Roscoe’s playmate! We love when Larry comes through our door in the morning because he’s always so excited to say hello and get the ball rolling (no pun intended!) Plus, there’s always a hope that his not-so-secret girlfriend Roxie the Bernese Mountain Dog will be here. Indeed, Larry is a dog in love and when you get this cute couple together there’s no stopping their beautiful chemistry! Plus, Larry always leads the charge up the agility ramps outside where he either likes to play king of the mountain, or simply just relax and sunbathe. But no matter his mood or manner, Larry is a pup who will always be happy to see his friends and share in their fun and frolic. We’re so grateful to know you Sir Larry!

In the near future you can follow Larry’s adventures on his personal instagram @sirlarry, or drop your own pup off to play with him by filling out our online form. We know Larry would be beyond excited to meet ya!


Larry’s always happy!

“My friend Larry, aka Lar-Bear, Lawrence, or Lar-ald… I love how excited he gets in the morning when he joins his friends, wiggling all over and making happy squeals. He’s an epic jumping bean, showing off his unmatched skills in playing in the water outside. And he’s the best at playing king of the mountain! Larry is always ready for a good time as well as a good snooze. It’s perfection! ” -Katrina, Manager.

“It’s been amazing watching Larry (or the formal Lawrence) grow into the most handsome boy! Everything about him is so wonderful, from his extra excited greetings for humans and pups to his extra springy step for mom and dad. He never fails to put a smile on my face, especially when he gets to see his girlfriend Roxie! He’s so smitten and we’re all smitten with him!” -Megan, Manager

“I consider Larry one of the OG dogs here at Roscoe’s and I’m always so happy when he comes into group. If you’ve ever seen him greet his friends then you know what excited looks like! I often like to join Larry on top of the ramps and give him plenty of snuggles and scratches and I like to think that he’s a king up there. Plus, it’s so sweet when his girlfriend Roxie and him are in the same group and they love on each other all day. It’s so pure!” -Chelsea, Playgroup Supervisor