Roscoe’s Featured Friend of the Month: Ryman

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Has it been another whole month already? Wow! Well, we guess that means it’s time for another wonderful friend to be featured! This month we’re super excited to introduce you to Ryman, the cute and cuddly 16-month old mystery mutt who has been a part of the Roscoe’s fam since Augusts of 2019. Is he part Australian Shepherd? Labrador Retriever? Maybe there’s some Pointer in there? It’s anybody’s guess, really! We think, however, that Ryman’s perfect the way he is and with his mis-matched coat, striking blue eyes and big, perky grin, who would disagree? We can’t wait to share his story with you!

Ryman as an itty-bitty baby

Once upon a time Ryman was a tiny, 8-week old puppy waiting to find his forever home at the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland right here in Maine. At that same time, his mom was looking to adopt an older furry family member and went in with the clear and specific goal that she was not to adopt a puppy (after all, they’re so much work!) However, as fate would have it, Ryman’s mom couldn’t seem to find the right fit for her home and was eventually drawn to the only little puppy that the shelter had at the time. And wouldn’t you know it, Ryman and his mom clicked immediately and the rest, as they say, was history! Ryman settled in perfectly with his new mom, his new home and even his new kitty siblings. As his mom says best, “I can’t imagine not having him. How did I ever do life without him?! He’s the best little dog I could’ve ever asked for. He absolutely rescued me as much as I did him.” Way to go Ryman! We guess some things are just meant to be.

Ryman paddle-boarding with his mom

Fast forward a year and Ryman is now a young gentleman who loves to go on adventures with his mom. Being an introvert herself, Ryman’s mom is always surprised by the way Ryman can really help to bring her out of her shell. Indeed, everywhere they go Ryman seems to make friends with everyone, regardless of if they walk on two legs or four. He’s just a dog who is happy to be a dog and he wants the world to know it! Plus, he’s always down for an adventure. Whether it’s chasing waves at the beach, playing frisbee at the dog park, or heading out to go paddle boarding with his mom, you can bet that Ryman is having the time of his life. Then, at the end of a long day, there’s nothing Ryman loves more than cuddling with his mom on the couch and enjoying some of his favorite cream-filled cookies from PetSmart. After all, Ryman is at his truly happiest when he and his mom are together. We think she’s pretty lucky to say the least!

Ryman looking handsome while playing ball

Of course, Ryman always makes time for his friends here at Roscoe’s, and you can bet there’s never a dull moment when he comes to play! You can usually find this happy hound-mix hanging out with the playful puppies or more energetic of the bunch. He loves to play chase, wrestle, and climb the ramp outside for a cute photo session with the playgroup supervisor. And, of course, the cookies are an added bonus! But perhaps the best thing Ryman brings to the Roscoe’s family is his absolute zest for life and overall friendly demeanor. He never has a bad day and is always ready to make friends with everyone. His mom remarks that “he loves everything at Roscoe’s! He loves his friends both puppy and human! It’s the only place he doesn’t give me sad puppy eyes when I leave him.” We truly feel honored Ryman and can’t imagine our play days without you!

If you want to follow Ryman along on his wonderful adventures and carefree lifestyle, check out his adorable instagram @thepupwhosups!

And if you want your pup to play with the always willing Ryman, feel free to reach out to us by phone or online to set up your pup’s first play day! We know Ryman just can’t wait to meet a new furry friend!


“Ryman is the happiest, bounciest nugget you’ll ever meet. He’s never met a dog or human he doesn’t love, and each day is the best day ever. Forget caffeine, if you need a pick me up, just get a snuggle from Ryman, this always does the trick! And he always makes the new pups feel right at home, showing them the ropes and letting them know just how to have fun. Ryman is one truly happy guy!” -Katrina, Manager

“Ryman (or as I like to call him, Rymie), started around the same time I did. It’s been amazing to see him grow from a little pup to the handsome boy he is now. The best thing is when he sits in front of you wanting a treat, because he has mastered the puppy dog eyes. Having him in group is never a dull moment, he’s such a playful boy! He’s been one of my best buddies since I’ve started and I’m happy I get to give him more cuddles and belly rubs in the future!” -Cassie, Playgroup Supervisor

“Ryman always bounces and bounds right through our door and brings light to any day. It is such a pleasure to spend time with him, and his goofy, care-free personality is definitely my favorite part about him!” -Lisa, Manager