Roscoe’s Featured Friend of the Month: T’Choupi

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She’s known by many names: T’choups, T’choupaloop, T’chouadoops, T’choupacobra, Bubs or Bubba… the list goes on. Of course, her one true name is T’Choupi, and we’re so excited to introduce you to her as our newest Featured Friend of the Month! The lovely T’Choupi is an 11 year-old hound/shepherd mix who became a part of the Roscoe’s faithful pack back in January of 2019. With her maturity comes long-time loyalty, compassion, intelligence and, of course, love, which are only a few of the many reasons why we can’t imagine our lives without this sweet girl. We can’t wait for you to read all about what makes her so special!

T’Choupi as a puppy!

Originally from Shade, Ohio, T’Choupi and her mom first met when she was only a little puppy living in a trailer home with her canine family. At that time, T’Choupi’s mom admits that she was not looking for a dog, but when she heard about the puppies and saw her little baby for the first time she was smitten! It was a whole week after that first encounter before T’Choupi’s mom could take her home, but she remembers that she couldn’t stop thinking about her sweet puppy the whole time. Once the day finally came that T’Choupi was ready to head to her forever home, both mother and dog were excited to begin their life together. As T’Choupi’s mom puts it, “the rest was codependent history!”

T’Choupi posing for the camera

Now as the 11 year-old, mature lady that she is, T’Choupi’s life is full of relaxation and a whole lot of love. But don’t get us wrong; she still loves to play! In fact, some of her favorite activities include going places where she can climb a lot of rocks, chasing those pesky squirrels from the backyard, and even herding her more agile feline siblings who tend to follow her around the house everywhere. And as a special treat for all her hard work, T’Choupi likes to treat herself to her favorite snack now and again… American cheese and meatballs! Sounds delicious if you ask us. But at the end of the day, you can bet that T’Choupi’s real passion in life is to snuggle up to her mom for some good couch therapy. What a perfect life for a perfect pup!

T’Choupi hanging with her friends at daycare!

Of course, T’Choupi always makes time for her friends here at Roscoe’s and we couldn’t be happier when we see her strut her stuff through our door every morning. As such a lovable and kind soul, there’s not a person or canine who T’Choupi doesn’t like and when she enters those play yards, she makes friends with everyone, and fast! Although she tends to hang out with the less playful crowd, T’Choupi loves to prance and dance around outside where she might bask in the sun, patrol the perimeter, or just gossip around the water bowl. It’s easy to feel calm and at home when T’Choupi’s around because she treats everyone like family, and we wouldn’t want it any other way!

If T’Choupi sounds like the perfect playmate and new friend for your pup, feel free to reach out to us by phone or online to set up your dog’s first play day! We just know that T’Choupi would love to make your pup feel right at home here at Roscoe’s!


“The most contagious thing about T’Choupi is that smile!! She’s without a doubt the happiest pup I’ve ever known! Always wearing her biggest smile! Never in a bad mood, this pup knows how to brighten up everyone’s day, two or four legged! Everyone could learn a thing or two from this lady! She is the essence of sweetness and we are so lucky to have her as part of our Roscoe’s family!” -Megan, Manager

“T’Choupi is so, so wonderful. She’s just the springiest little lady and I love seeing her head pop up over the fence in playgroup. She’s also one photogenic pup! Whenever I want to snap some cute group pictures, T’Choupi is always front and center, smiling nice and big for the camera! Good girl T’Choupi!” – Elizabeth, Playgroup Supervisor

“T’Choupi is one of those dogs who, if you’re lucky enough to have enter your playgroup, just brightens up your day. I always know that if she’s in group with me, it’s going to be good day! I love when she so politely asks for cookies and doesn’t push through the crowd, or when she sunbathes on the ramp and just sniffs the air. I’m so happy that her mom allows her to grace us with her presence every day!” -Chelsea, Digital Marketing Specialist