Why Maine is One of the Most Dog-Friendly States in America

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If you’re a dog-lover and you live in our great state of Maine then it would seem a match made in Heaven for, as it turns out, Maine is one of the most dog-friendly states in all of America! According to multiple sources (all of which we’ll site below), Maine has many aspects that make it appealing to our canine companions and their caretakers. So whether you and your dog live in Maine, vacation here often or are just passing through, here are a couple compelling reasons why the pine tree state is one of the most dog-friendly in America.

Maine has approximately 76 dog-friendly beaches.
According to the security company Safewise, which ranked Maine as the #1 most pet-friendly state in 2017 and as #3 in 2019, part of what makes Maine so appealing to dog-lovers are the many, dog-friendly beaches. Maine beaches are already so iconic to the state and the fact that many are open to our canine companions as well is what draws in pet-lovers. After all, dogs love the beach and Maine has over 30miles of it just waiting to be explored by all kinds of people and their pups! For some great tips, check out our personal list of the best dog-friendly beaches in Maine!

Maine has some of the best animal protection laws in the nation.
It might comfort both locals and visitors alike to know that Maine has been ranked #4 in the nation for animal protection laws and rights by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, or ALDF. According to them, Maine is considered a “top-tier state” and has well-defined animal rights laws in place. While laws are ever changing and there is always room for improvement, it’s nice to know that our great state of Maine is ranked as one of the best when it comes to the rights and regulations of our four-legged family members!

Maine has nearly 1,000 pet-friendly hotels.
For those traveling to the state of Maine, it’s nice to know that you’ll have an abundance of pet-friendly hotels, motels and boutiques to choose from. According to News Center Maine, the pine tree state has nearly 1,000 pet-friendly hotels which makes vacationing here with your dog very easy and welcoming. The sheer number of businesses who are willing to open their doors to our canine companions is one of the reasons why Maine attracts so many pet-lovers each year. If you’re seeking an alternative to a hotel, however, check out our post on doggy sleepovers right here at Roscoe’s!

Maine is an outdoor wonderland.
It’s not called Vacationland for nothing! According to the blog This Dog’s Life, Maine is the nature hub of the Northeast and ranked #1 on their list of the best dog-friendly states due to all the outdoor activities. On top of the many dog-friendly beaches, Maine is about 90% forested (the highest of any state!) and offers an abundance of walking trails, national parks, lakes, ponds and hikes that are open to our canine companions. Don’t forget the camera! Want to know some of our personal favorite hiking trails here in Maine? Check out our list!

Maine has a high percentage of household pets.
According to the U.S. Pet Ownership & Demographics Sourcebook, Maine made the top-five list of states with the highest percentage of households who own a pet with 62.9%. That means that there are many fellow dog-lovers out there who share the same lifestyles and beliefs when it comes to caring for our precious pups. So whether you and your dog are out for a walk, at the beach for a swim, or hiking up a mountain trail, you’re bound to bump into some friendly and likeminded people and pups who make our great state of Maine one of the best to live in if you’re a dog-lover!

As a state, Maine has so much to offer in both it’s environment and demographic, and we think it’s definitely earned its title as one of the best pet-friendly places in the nation! Wouldn’t you agree?